Fogg v. Merrick Garland, Attorney General, Department of Justice
EEOC No. 570-2016-00501X
Agency No. M-94-6376
Claim Form
This Claim Form and any attachments will determine your eligibility for certain relief in the above referenced action in connection with Deputy United States Marshal (DUSM or Deputy U.S. Marshal) positions with the United States Marshals Service (U.S. Marshals Service or Agency). Please fill out the form below if you believe you may be entitled to relief.
The Administrative Judge has approved this class action settlement on a preliminary basis. If the Administrative Judge declines to approve the settlement after a Fairness Hearing, the monetary and equitable relief described in the settlement agreement may not be available.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Claim Form, you can review the Notice of Resolution, call the Claims Administrator to receive a copy of the Notice of Resolution, or direct questions to the individuals below.
Class Counsel: (202) 499-5200
Claims Administrator: (833) 616-0397
If no one picks up, leave a voicemail.
Please speak clearly and leave your name, phone number, and best time to return your call.

The deadline to file a Claim Form was January 26, 2024.